How to

How to

Maintenance that you can remember with passwords! Daily inspection of your motorcycle

It is important to know the correct maintenance knowledge necessary to maintain your beloved motorcycle for a long time. The basic motorcycle maintenance method that even beginners can use for inspect...
How to

[03] Overhauling the Super Cub’s carburetor! How to overhaul the carburetor and common mistakes to avoid. [The road to reviving the Super Cub]

This Super Cub is showing symptoms of overflowing, with fuel leaking out of the carburetor. In the last article, we introduced how to remove the carburetor to overhaul it by disassembling and cleaning...
How to

If you remember the “tips for changing tire tubes”, it will be easy to change tires?

That may be a different story for large motorcycles, but for small-displacement models, especially mopeds, you might think you can do it yourself when changing tires. From removing the wheel to changi...
How to

Classic Super Cub: How to permanently repair a stripped carburetor screw

This isn't limited to those working on vintage cars, but I'm sure many Sunday mechanics have had to put an end to damaged screw threads, leaving them with completely "threadless screw holes." Here, we...
How to

What are the key points for disassembling and maintaining the simple upright front fork?

The heyday of upright front forks was before the end of the 1980s, and many of the high-performance sports motorcycles that appeared in the 1990s used inverted front forks. There are different types o...
How to

[02] Overhaul the Super Cub 50 carburetor problem! It’s quite easy to remove the carburetor. [The road to reviving the Super Cub]

Yamada, an editor at Motor Fan BIKES, got his hands on an AA01 Super Cub. It had been left unused for several years and was immobile, so when he put gas in it and kicked it, it would overflow. So he d...
How to

Repairing a vintage Super Cub ☆ Even if the screw threads are stripped, they can be restored and reused!

I enjoy tinkering with old Super Cubs, using a relatively early second-generation engine from the C100 series of first-generation OHV engines. This engine has been disassembled and reassembled repeate...
How to

My first attempt at oil level adjustment. I’ll try changing the fork oil on my Hunter Cub.

Previously, I replaced the front fork springs of my Hunter Cub with Kitaco springs. It was a simple change, just replacing the springs without removing the forks from the body. I continued riding it, ...
How to

The frame has been refurbished with powder coating! Also check out the refurbished inner tube!

After a full restoration is completed, we sometimes hear people say, "It just doesn't seem stable..." It's not just an assembly problem, but sometimes the steering neck of the main frame is "twisted."...
How to

[01] A Super Cub 50 that has been left unused for several years. It looks good. But the engine won’t start and it’s a broken motorcycle. So, what should we do?! [The road to reviving the Super Cub]

Everyone loves the Super Cub. I, the author, am one of those Cub owners who absolutely adore the Little Cub. Then I received some good news. Yamada from the Motor Fan BIKES editorial department had ac...
How to

Take the time to do it! Maintenance that will improve the effectiveness and operability of your drum brakes.

Drum brakes are structured as if they were sealed in a sealed envelope. Unlike disc brakes, you can't see what's inside, and it's hard to tell how worn down the brake shoes are without disassembling t...
How to

How to purchase OEM Motorcycle Parts at Webike?

Having a hard time looking for OEM Motorcycle parts? We got you!! Due to public demand, here are the steps on how to purchase an OEM motorcycle parts at Webike. Steps on how to purchase OEM motorcycle...
How to

Be careful not to overtighten your chain! [Ride Knowledge]

If you stretch it too much, it will cause a lot of problems! All of a sudden, I noticed that the drive chain on my motorcycle was hanging loose. Come to think of it, I'd been riding it for over a year...
How to

Ask a professional shop to paint your exterior, who can provide you with a high-quality finish!!

Restoration of classic motorcycles is often ridden by strong feelings. If you are going to fully restore the motorcycle, it is a good idea to ask a professional shop with plenty of experience in paint...
How to

When replacing the brake pads, polishing the brake piston is effective! !!

When you notice that your brake pads are worn out and you need to replace the parts, don't just replace the old parts with new ones. At the same time, clean the brake caliper and rotor area, and also ...
How to

With this, you can adjust the air pressure anywhere. An air valve extension that you’ll want to keep in your motorcycle’s tools.

Even if the tire is not punctured, the air in the tire gradually leaks out, so regular inspection and adjustment are essential. It would be great if you had an air compressor or air pump at home, but ...
How to

[KITACO Cheat Sheet] Episode 5: Let’s install a bore-up kit on a Grom! Detailed Explanation of the procedure [Assembling the cylinder ➤ Assembling the cylinder head]

Article: Hideyuki Goto This is the fifth installment of a series that explains how to install Kitaco's "164cc NEO Bore Up Kit" on an early model Honda Grom 125 (2013-2017). Last time, we installed the...
How to

Rust in the tank is the cause of carburetor malfunction! Thoroughly remove rust from the tank!

Many motorcycles made in the 20th century are equipped with carburetors, but there are many cases where the carburetor malfunctions, causing the engine to stall or making it difficult to ride. The wor...
How to

Unpopular Used Imported BMW motorcycle! [How good can it be with polishing and painting?] Vol.2

A BMW K75S has joined the family of my garage. It is registered in 1987, but appears to be an early model. In fact, this K75S had passed its renewal inspection a few days before it came into my posses...
How to

A must-have item for Electrician!! Types of Wire Strippers and its Usage

Stripping wire is essential for so-called "electrical tinkering" such as repairing electrical equipment and installing electrical accessories. A wire stripper is a useful tool for cutting the vinyl in...
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